Using the optional Object parameter

The CodeSiteEx.TraceMethod routine accepts an optional Object parameter.

If you pass it an object, the method text is evaluated as follows:

  if FObj is TComponent then
     FMethodText := FObj.ClassName + '(' + TComponent(FObj).Name + ').' +
     FMethodText := FObj.ClassName + '.' + FMethodText;

Suppose your application has a form named frmMyForm of type TMyForm.  There is a button, btnOK, on this form.  If you add a TraceMethod call to the button's OnClick event as follows:

  procedure TMyForm.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
    CodeSiteEx.TraceMethod(Self, 'btnOKClick');

    // your code goes here...


The CodeSite viewer will receive the following text:
